日期: 2018年05月30日
澳洲论文代写塔斯马尼亚大学:Relationship of Style and Technique
Technique is a kind of skill, method or procedure, however, styles is a characteristic mode of action or manner of acting. Can both of this interact together or separate? Therefore, in the following context, i will try to explore and evidence how is the relation between style and technique in architecture. First for all, we need to define and realise what is a styles actually in architecture and why the style are emerge.
澳洲论文代写塔斯马尼亚大学:Relationship of Style and Technique
What is a Style in Architecture?
Over the years, architecture has undergone a long history. In that few century was from the different architectural movement in particular stage. However, each architectural movement is required to steer the design process between indecision and random willfulness. Within architecture these necessary movement are called styles.
Style is derives from the Latin word “stilus” originally denoting the stylus used for writing on wax tablets (Dictionary.com). The concept upon which our contemporary notion still builds appeared first in ancient Greek and Roman writing on rhetoric. In the general sense the term is employed now, style seems to be an inevitable feature of all regular human artefacts. The term is used in architecture, design and in all the different arts: visual arts, music and literature. Thus the concept of style became a tool for classifying historical works of art or applied art. The concept was then appropriated for current work, in order to discuss the direction in which current work was to be developed and to make claims about the historical significance of giving direction to the development of architecture.